Monday, 29 October 2012

Captains Log

Captains Log:
The crew has abandoned me. They say that they will be back. Brother said "they had to" and Dad said something about "work". But I know the truth, they are saving themselves. I've officially been placed in Quarantine. I know the signs.
Strange things have been happening to me. Vivid dreams I cannot explain. My only thought is they must be induced by the consumption of NyQuil. I would give it up, but I'm afraid that the little green capsules are my only solace.
Who knows how long I'll be here? Who knows who will read this? I imagine my bones being discovered millions of years from now, illuminated by the faint glow of my laptop.
Mac's have really great battery life.
I suppose I should not despair. Perhaps the worst is behind me. I do seem to be capable of breathing out of my left nostril. This could be a sign of recovery.
I must resolve to keep going. As they say "drink lots of fluids, and get plenty of rest"... I'll try. If not, this Captain will go down with its ship.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

The Ability to Breath and the Other Things I Took For granted When IHad My Health

As day 3 of being sick in bed comes to a close, I cannot help but wonder--shall my health ever return? It is hard to remember what life was like when I could breathe out of my nose. Ah, the good old days.
In all seriousness though, I really want to be better so I can get to teaching. I'm suppose to start tomorrow but with the blessing of both my sponsor teacher and my supervisor, I'm staying home.
I suppose another day of bizarre NyQuil induced dreams and books for preteens it is. I also spend a lot of time on etsy and Pinterest looking at things I cannot buy.
I did splurge and purchase a boxed set of the book series "Fablehaven" which is written for the age group 9-15 year olds. I, at 23, find them delightful. The Percy Jackson series is shaping up to be quite enjoyable as well. I keep telling myself I read them so I can chat with the kids but that is only half true. They bring me joy. Deep down I'm just a 12 year old badly dressed preteen with thick eyebrows and no boobies that believes in magic and secretly thinks there is a possibility Santa is real.
Speaking of Santa! Christmas is on its way! I know I know.... Halloween blah blah blah. I think I'm kind of like a department store in that I start preparing for one holiday before the other is even finished.
Anyways, before I start sounding like a crazy person high on cough syrup (or is it too late?) I'm going to leave and fall into a slumber. Goooooooodniiiiiiiiiiiiight Neverland!

Friday, 26 October 2012

NyQuil and Cuddles Cure Everything

My immune system is not as steeled to kid germs as those teachers that have been working for years. I fear the cough, sneeze and sniffle. Rightly so, it would seem. I've come down with the plague. I laid in bed all today as a result. I was supposed to teach a class at the rec centre this weekend and have had to call in.
I am not an incredibly touchy person. I suppose it depends on the situation. That being said, when I come down with even the mildest of colds, all I want to do is cuddle. I think it is a case of wanting what you can't have. And I certainly do want a hug, and soup.
My dad did bring me home raspberry ginger ale. He is a good man.
Other than this not so unexpected illness, things are pretty darn good. I'm settling in nicely at my practicum school. The kids are awesome (their germs are not) and I begin actually teaching on Monday which I am thrilled about. I was almost getting bored with all the observation. Though it is cool to see my sponsor teacher work.
Did I mention she has a Scottish accent? It is delightful.
My etsy team (etteam) has asked it's members if they would like to write any blog posts for us. That blog has 900 plus followers, which is a bit more of an audience than this little guy has. I attempted to begin a post and got shy. If anyone wants to check out that blog go to
Perhaps I will give writing a post another shot tomorrow. What with the fact that it is highly likely I will be spending it in bed with only books and tea to keep me company. Though I love my books, they don't cuddle very well.
Maybe my cat will grace me with his presence. Only on his terms, of course. I would cuddle my dog except she is very very smelly. Like fish and poop. She is still cute though, despite being roughly 900 years old in doggy age.
The NyQuil appears to be working its sweet, sweet magic. Thank goodness for modern medicine.
Night, y'all.

Friday, 19 October 2012

The Art of Procrastination

I am very skilled in the art of procrastination. The process involves making a list of things to do, going from most important to least important and then working my way from the bottom of the list to the top.

For example, writing this blogpost is at the very very bottom of my list. In fact, it shouldn't even be on my list. It should be on my "things I do that aren't helpful to my future in any way possible" list.

I'm not even dressed for the day. It is 12:30 in the afternoon and I'm currently sitting her in my housecoat. I'll probably succumb to a nap fairly soon as well.

The things I DO need to complete are as follows, I must write four lesson plans, one unit plan and an "assessment overview". Though, because these things are not due until Monday morning, the pressure is not quite enough to kick my butt into gear.

I'll probably finish the book I'm reading instead.

On a similar note, math planning is my nemesis. I hope that teaching math will go better than the planning has. I've stared at the math textbook for many-an-hour to no avail. It isn't even hard; that isn't the problem. It is that I find it painfully boring. I should have done it first and gotten it out of the way. But no, instead I finished every other unit plan I needed to and left math for the bitter end. And I do mean bitter.

I'm housesitting tonight so hopefully seclusion will help in the process.

In other news, Christmas is approaching nice and quick. I'm going to try to get some new etsy items up (ornaments etc) in order to boost my sales. We will see how it goes, if not I'll just hang the dang things on my own tree.

I'm also participating in the National Novel Writing Month (as I don't have enough to do already) if you want to check that out click here.

That is all for today. My math book is staring at me.... Perhaps I will open it and try again.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Working Hard for No Money

With my first week of practicum officially behind me, I am that much closer to graduation. Decidedly more important though, I am that much closer to going to Disneyland.
There were many wonderful things that occurred last week. For one, I met some really awesome kids. Two, my sponsor teacher has helped me immensely already. Three, they feed me lunch every day and there is free coffee in the staff room. This is very important to me as I love both food, and coffee.
I also get to teach some pretty awesome material. I'm not sure if I'm more excited about the fact that I am doing a language art unit on a book authored by a good friend of mine OR that I am teaching about Cambodia and Asia. Any excuse to talk about the trip in 2011 (was it really that long ago?) is good for me.
I'm reading a Percy Jackson novel now as per request of my students. I'm told it is da bomb.
I got to go to music class with the students as well and sing lion king songs. Not even coffee cheers me up like a lion king song.
Anyways I figured I would give a brief update on everything that is practicum. Now I must slumber.

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Quarter Life Crisis

It has happened. I've moved home to live with my Father and Brother. I couldn't put it off any longer. I finished the classroom portion of my degree and there was nothing I could do about it.
There are bonuses to living at home. The groceries, for example. There are also down sides to living at home. My brother eating all the groceries, for example.
Apparently living away from home for five and a half years means you accumulate some stuff. Now, I'm trying to fit all of that stuff into my box of a bedroom. I'm starting to forget what my floor looked like. But hey, at least I can't see the dustbunnies any more.
Planning for my practicum has begun. This, I am excited about. January, when I'm unemployed, 23 and living at home--I am not excited about. But let us take one step at a time.
I have a grade six class at a private school. This will be VERY different from my last practicum. Which is a good thing. It is important to vary ones experience.
I started writing a book. Perhaps this is why I haven't been writing many blog posts. Of course I always seem to have a half finished novel on the go, so really it should make no difference.
I get to teach my friends book for a novel study in my class. This, ladies and gentlemen, is really really cool. A) Because it is a good book and B) Because I get to bring in the author and be all like "This is my friend, she wrote a book". Click here for a link to Hannah and the Spindle Whorl.
Anyways, I am going to try to have a little nap. But before I do, I would like to say that I AM EATING TURKEY TONIGHT! It is Canadian Thanksgiving. Turkey is my favourite. In a couple of hours I shall be bursting with turkey goodness and it shall be delightful.