The end of the school year has two very distinct feelings attached to it. One is panic. If you are in Grade 11 or 12, teach Grade 11 or 12 or know someone who is in Grade 11 or 12, chances are you are feeling the side effects of panic. Take a deep breath. This too, shall pass.
The other feeling is one of distraction. The side effects of distraction are procrastination, day dreaming and talking with ones friends when one should be doing other things.
I blame the sun. I don't think classrooms should have windows. The pull of the outside world is too strong. It is May, but in everyone's heads and hearts it is already June.
I looked at my last blog post, which I wrote before spring break. In some ways, spring break was a long time ago--in others it was just yesterday. I had a very productive time, I painted walls, slept a lot and starting Foundation Class with my puppy.
Easter weekend was pretty fabulous, also. I went to Disneyland with some of the boarding girls. I frolicked down Main Street. I hugged Goofy, and Minnie (Mickey was somewhat illusive) and I rode essentially all the rides. I finally experienced Space Mountain. The first time I went, it was closed. The second time, I left it until the last possible minute and it broke down when I was on it. Having rode it now, I don't really know how to describe it. It was kind of all a blur--not just in my memory but an actual blur. The ride was really fast.
The girls were all very well behaved. They were so busy doing what they were supposed to do to have any energy left to misbehave. They also rode all the rides. And acted like kids, which is awesome because now-a-days high school girls seem to think they need to dress and behave like adults.
I spend all my time acting like a kid, not just in Disneyland.
School is insanely busy at the moment. Outdoor Education week is coming up, where I get to go camping with a bunch of 13 year old girls for 4 nights. This may seem like torture to some, but I am excited about it. After Disneyland, I realized how vital it is to get out of the classroom and spend time with my students.
Enough bloggin' for now.
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