What is this? I have a blog? Oh. I must have forgotten. That is why I haven't posted in so long. Silly me.
If I was to sum my life up in one word it would be this: busy. I'm busy with work, I'm busy with my social life and I'm busy with my hobbies. However, my body--which knows me best--has decided it is going to hit me with a summer cold to slow me down. I left work early today to come and rest my weary bones. I still have to go to rehearsal tonight, but oh well.
Right! I'm in a play! I got cast in a local theatre group's production of "Twelfth Night" in which I play Viola. It has been a huge commitment, but a lot of fun. I also play James' sister, which has been ammunition for many incest jokes during the last couple of months. Will these jokes get old? I'm not so sure they will.
Work is great, I'm currently teaching preschool. I have learned a lot in the last couple of weeks, one being that kids really do say the darndest things. I had a little girl say to me that she was "IN love with her Dad" to which I said "I love my Dad too", she replied "NO, I'm IN love with him." I smiled and gave her a thumbs up....
There have been lots of weddings this year. I suppose I am now at the age where many of my friends and family will be getting married. I like weddings. Free food and love, what more could you ask for?
I wish I could see some of my friends more. I would really like the opportunity to sit down and watch a chick flick with some of my ladies. Perhaps when the play is over?