Saturday 6 April 2013

Glorious Saturday

The cleanse is finished, done, complete, OVER! I'm going to have cereal for breakfast!!! It is going to be so milky and sugary and DELICIOUS!

In all honesty the cleanse wasn't too horrible. I don't think I lost as much weight as James, but I'm really going to try to eat healthier and pay attention to the ingredients in my food.

My biggest goal is to not eat past my full point. I love food so much sometimes I just keep on eating even if my stomach says "We're DONE!"

Things I discovered on The Wild Rose Cleanse:
-Almond butter and apples. It is yummmmmmmmy.
-I clearly don't eat enough guacamole
-I have mad respect for those with dietary restrictions
-Even if I change my diet I still like naps
-James is a good cook no matter what his ingredients are
-I love sugar
-Many things have unnecessary ingredients in them that are not good for you.

Also, I was on the radio! Super fun. I was doing my best to drum up some interest for James' book "Crystal Promise". I'm hoping to get the stations permission to post the recording.

Ok, I gotta pee so I'm going to go now.