Talk about a view from the top. The Shins concert was on the roof of the Cosmopolitan Hotel. What I learned was that The Shins concert is the first in a series of summer shows, many of which I would enjoy going to. Perhaps I'll have to win another contest. Heh.
Though it was freezing (isn't Vegas supposed to be warm?) it was a ton of fun. We got there and unfortunately The Shins didn't begin right away because of rain. Torrie and I made some very nice friends when we were huddled somewhat uncomfortably close underneath some kind of shower contraption that I had first mistaken as a heater. The rain did stop though, and the set began. The band had great energy and made sure to joke around about the weather. I personally love "Simple Song" so I was super happy when they began to play it. James Mercer had a very cool stage presence, he was relaxed but it was still clear he was having a lot of fun. If I had any musical talent at all, I would aspire to be like Jessica Dobson. It was such a cool atmosphere with so many huge fans. I heard so many people say that they had came from all over the place to Vegas to see the band specifically. I felt so lucky to be there with Torrie, on top of an incredibly tall hotel looking at the lights of Vegas, listening to The Shins, thanks so Sony Music and MTV Canada. Click here for the wikipedia page about The Shins, and here The Shins setlist that they played in Vegas and you can see for yourself what we had the pleasure of hearing. It was truly a magical time, even though I wished I had worn pants.

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