I write a lot. Whether it is journal entries, my attempt at the next best seller, school work or on here, I tend to have an affection for expressing myself through the written word.
I even write bad poetry. That is how dedicated I am.
Will it ever go anywhere? Hard to say. My greatest dream is to be "discovered" and hired to keep a travel blog as I get paid to explore strange and exotic places. This greatest dream is placed with my other greatest dreams like becoming a (paid) actress. Or eating whatever I want and not gaining any weight. That too, is a dream.
Anyways, it isn't really that I wish to have any of my work go down in history or be recognized as genius. I'm fairly content in enjoying the process of writing, or acting, or creating artwork. Those things are what ground me and make me happy.
We learned about this term "flow" in class the other day. Surprisingly I had never heard of it before. Flow is something everyone has experienced. What best explained it for me is when I get so wrapped up in the act of something that everything else becomes background noise. It's that moment when you look up at the clock and realize its been 3 hours and you had no idea.
I have been in this. Musicians often feel this. Gamers. Painters.
Flow is the adult equivalent of learning through play. How could that not be an attractive notion to me? After all I just a big kid.
I suppose since in actually tired at midnight for once I will take this opportunity to sleep.
Short and sweet, this post was.
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