Friday, 24 August 2012

Party Over Here

So, Friday night. Party over at my house. I'm hanging out with my brother and his girlfriend and we are getting real crazy over here. Watching National Treasure. I'm in my Eeyore pyjamas. I've staked claim to the couch but survey says that won't last long because I'm super tired and National Treasure is a long film with an overabundance of American history that (sorry USA) is not really an interest of mine.
Also, Game of Thrones is calling. I'm 70% done Dance with Dragons (thanks Kobo app for making my reading life so... precise) and things are going DOWN. I shan't be giving any spoilers, but lets just say George Martin has got my attention.

I sure do hope he doesn't die before finishing the series.

Oh hey, speaking of Game of Thrones, Sean Bean is in National Treasure! I forgot about that. Pretty sure he dies in this movie, just like in every other film he has acted in. I think it must be in his contract. Click here to watch the Sean Bean death montage.

Today was my last day of work. It was sad. I made a lot of friendships this summer with kids of all kinds. I got a lot of hugs today, though I'm not really supposed to hug them. BUT I AM A REBEL CAMP LEADER! HUGS FOR ALL!

I got a very interesting sunburn today. Not often do I burn the tops of my hands. I also have an awesome circle burn on my inner legs thanks to being in a kayak for the afternoon. It was a wonderful way to finish my summer job. I spent the day on the beach and paddling through the water.

Between the tubing on Wednesday and the kayaking today I do feel like my arms may feel better if they were removed from my body. But that too, will pass.

No rest for the wicked(ly awesome) as tomorrow I move back to my apartment by my school for my roommates birthday and then school starts on Monday. August school start--I'm still not over it.

Sleep time is now. Goodnight imaginary readers... I shall leave you with this golden nugget:

Nicholas Cage's hair is a National Treasure in its own right!

Hah. I should be a comedian. 

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