Thursday, 23 August 2012

The Negligent Blogger

Wow! Talk about neglecting my blog. I got busy and look at what happened.

I don't really know where to begin? Last I wrote here I think I was just starting my camp job. Things have changed a bit since then, but a lot has remained the same as well. Such as life, I suppose.

I'm a newly single woman. That is all I wish to say on that because as a teacher and a professional I'm not using this blog for anything but happy thoughts. It is, after all, titled Second Star to the Right. And if Peter Pan taught me anything, it is that happy thoughts make us fly.

Metaphorically fly, that is. I don't have any pixie dust so I cannot ACTUALLY fly.

Work has been amazing this summer. I am so happy I stuck to my guns and got a job working with kids. They truly make my life meaningful. Not only that, I got to go kayaking, tubing and skim boarding. While getting paid.

Met a lot of awesome people as well. One in particular stands out in that she has kind of adopted me in more ways than one. She is my partner in crime and she has let me stay at her place for the past two weeks. Which, let me tell you-- has made my life so much easier. Before that I was commuting back and forth and the drive had grown tedious to say the least.

I've also discovered the beauty of audiobooks. I'm not quite sure what my aversion was to trying them before this summer. They are brilliant! Especially when you are listening to a book by a british author and the reader is also from the UK. It is delightful. I've taken to listening to Terry Pratchett books. I also don't feel bad about starting new books in audio format when I'm already reading a book (right now Dance with Dragons) because audiobooks are completely different than other books so I can have as many going as I want. At least that is what I tell myself.

TapadhLeibhCards has been doing alright. It isn't the money making venture I hoped it would be in the beginning. However, that being said I have sold some of my art work. How many artists can truly say that?

HERE is the travelling bit of this post, I'VE DECIDED TO GO TO DISNEYLAND! Well, my friends whom I am graduating with this December kind of decided and I thought, "that sounds fun I'm going"... So, I will probably be blogging about that quite a bit. I haven't been to Disneyland since I was 14. It is about time, I think.

School starts on Monday. What kind of program starts in August? Mine, I guess. I'm going to miss working at camp. Not only because having money is awesome but because I've really enjoyed my time there. It is better than any other job I've ever done. Though with some of my previous jobs that really isn't saying too much. Not that camp doesn't have its challenges, it does. But the rewards are so awesome and I love to hear when a kid has had a great day or they enjoyed their time with me.

So that is about it, I guess? Oh, I paid of my credit card! This is big news. Only to be racked up again, but still. I paid it. So I can put Disneyland on it :P

That is it for now. Tootles!

1 comment:

  1. I've read the Bean Trees as well as The Prodigal Summer, I semi liked both of them. However, that being said I'm enjoying books of the audio variety that I never really got into just reading. So sometimes (I'll admit) the narrator may be better than the one in my head.
    How does one become an audiobook reader? I want to do that. I feel like I would be good at it.
