Sunday, 10 June 2012


I suppose this is a lesson that if I am not spending an exuberant amount of my energy resource during the day (like when I'm teaching) napping for three hours is a bad choice. When I'm working at a school I can nap for a bunch of hours after I arrive home and still be able to get a solid 7 hours of sleep that night. Apparently taking pictures does not require the same amount of energy as 24 twelve year olds. Go figure.
So what to do at two. Well, I've exhausted my daily etsy exploration as well as spammed Facebook enough to sufficiently annoy all my friends. Nothing new on pinterest, nothing exciting in terms of tv (I've never been one for infomercials) and every time I read I feel like I get tired enough to sleep. But then I end up going back to my cell phone and spin the whole process over because hey, maybe something changed in the last 15 minutes.
In other news I dropped my cards off at merridale cidery. Then I wandered around the little seaside village and chatted with a shop and a gallery owner. I am going back down tomorrow (which is actually today) to show them some samples.
I suppose napping tomorrow would be a very bad idea because Monday is Seattle day and I need my rest for the shopping marathon. Must be in peak physical condition for such a venture.
It's funny, no one has read anything on here for like... 4 days, yet I keep posting. It does stave off the bored and I do think I'm getting sleepier.
Tomorrow I will be sharing information on another local photographer who is very talented. So stay tuned my mon existent followers, stay tuned.

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