Friday, 1 June 2012

Shameless Advertisement

I am poor. Though this isn't a state I'm unused to, it has become especially prevalent recently. In response to this I've decided to attempt to sell my art work. Selling my art is something I've always been hesitant to do, as I never really create anything with the idea of making money it in mind. But circumstances call for drastic measures.
I set up an etsy account, I made 40+ cards and I spammed Facebook and Pinterest shamelessly. What is left? Blogger. I shall blog about my attempt to pay for my university degree through taking pretty pictures.
Click here to view my etsy account. Click here for my photography website.

The name of my shop is TapadhLeibhCards. This is sort of a homage to my Nana. Elizabeth was a lovely Scottish woman who inspired me every day with her kindness and her dedication to her family. "Tapadh Leibh" means thank you in Gaelic. So literally, my cards are called thank you cards. It is also a play on "TLC".
So. That is my story. I feel a little embarrassed about the whole thing, but like I said, I'm the poorest in the land.

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