Wednesday, 13 June 2012

House Arrest

What have I learned in the last two weeks of selling cards? A) that I have an incredibly supportive community B) That it is weird selling your own art C) Etsy is addicting D) June is the start of tourist season (I already knew that actually) and E) Ordering things online is fun and cheaper... it brings together my two favourite things, buying things and receiving mail.
As you readers know, I spent all my money in Seattle. Clifford (my red volkswagon beetle) is out of gas. So I cannot go anywhere and I cannot do anything. That is an exaggeration as I am doing things, they are just things that I can do in my pyjamas. This includes watching The Wire, eating cereal, drinking coffee and playing on my computer. I'm planning on going for a walk to my mailboxes which will be a party I'm sure.
My Corona umbrella I won came in the mail! But I cannot go get it because as stated earlier I have no wheels.
I have now convinced my Dad that the Seattle Outlet Mall is the Mount Olympus of shopping. I believe we will be going there for retail therapy and a baseball game.
In other news I'm now reading the fourth Game of Thrones book. It is good to be back in Westeros. I'll write a whole post about it soon.

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